Design Strategy
Sweet Spot: the perfect intersection of business and customer goals
Do your products and services meet the needs and desires of your customers? If not, no matter how well designed and easy your offering is to use, no one will purchase it.
Does the sale of your product or service support your business goals? Are the money-making features highlighted? Are you gathering the data you want to aggregate? Will you be financially successful when consumers purchase your offering? Just because a product is user friendly, doesn’t mean that you’ll be financially successful.
The goal of our design strategy session is to explore what your customers desire to purchase, what you produce, and then to measure the amount of overlap between customer needs and your business model. We’ll assess the size of your “Sweet Spot” and consider your product, business plan, and target audience to determine how we can enlarge the Sweet Spot. We make this assessment using many of our Research tools.
From this, we can identify the ideal product requirements: features that delight your customers and align with your business plan. Then we can review and redesign the information architecture to organize the features based on the ideal product requirements.
In addition, we can define the UX Architecture. This maps the flow of data and the ideal user experience to complete the most critical tasks. The UX Architecture provides a high-level picture which guides developers as they define the System Architecture.