Entries by Wendy

Video Games Raise the CX Bar for All

Balboa Park is San Diego’s Central Park. It’s Prado area, filled with museums, restaurants, and landmarks, is deserted once the sun goes down. That was until July 6, 2016. Now when you arrive at the Prado at night, you may not get a close parking spot. The Prado is filled with hundreds of people playing […]

Measuring Sustainability & Success

In April, the National Association of Fleet Administrators (NAFA) is unveiling their Sustainability Fleet Standard Program at the NAFA 2015 Institute & Expo. Phil Russo, NAFA’s CEO, discussed this program in an exclusive interview with Fleet Management Weekly.  In this interview, Russo stressed, “NAFA has a tremendous opportunity to…positively impact the future of this plant […]

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Last fall, I spent two days at a regional operations center for a large transportation company.  I was working with a team that was redesigning a fleet management device.  We ran brief Pain Point Interviews with many of the truckers in order to understand what worked well and what hurdles they faced with their current […]

Customers Design the Feature Set

Nothing in this world is free.  And you are reminded of that fact every time you decide which features you’ll include in your service. Customers want more features at a lower price tag. However, the more features you add, the more your service gets lost in the vortex of commoditization. However, the more features you […]

Users Know What They Don’t Need

Henry Ford famously stated, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Did Ford’s contemporaries really want a faster horse?  What if they wanted go to from Los Angeles to San Francisco?  A faster horse was a moot point.  The real issue was that Ford’s contemporaries wanted to go […]